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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Transfer your previous college credits to LCCC

Steps to Transferring to LCCC

1. Apply to LCCC using the Online Application.

​2. Submit official transcripts for each of the colleges previously attended, including any military training, international coursework, or standardized examinations (see details below).

3. Transcript evaluations may begin once a student has applied and been accepted to LCCC.

  • All completed evaluations are sent to the student’s official LCCC email.
  • Please allow one to two weeks for evaluations to arrive.

4. It is strongly recommended that every student make an appointment with an advisor once their transcript evaluation has been completed.


Military Training

Students with military training must submit their official DD 214 and/or Joint Services Transcript. Military training transcripts will be evaluated for appropriate credit in one to two weeks from submission. For more information on Veterans Benefits and how to apply, please contact Veteran Services.

Career and Technical Education – Articulation Credits

LCCC partners with many Career and Technical Education institutions to provide transfer credits for students that complete an appropriate Program of Study. Check details and what credits you could earn right away.